Sunday, December 29, 2019

Analysis Of Hills Like White Elephants - 993 Words

Enerest Hemingway’s short story titled Hills Like White Elephants, is a story that may seem as simple and plain as if not much is going on. However, the story is actually very intricate; the author was able to say a lot without using many words. The story is about a conversation between a man and girl who are waiting for a train in Spain. The couple are both distressed about how they should make a decision of whether to keep their baby, or terminate the pregnancy. Hemingway is able to say indirectly that the conversation is about abortion with clearly stating it by using literary elements. Some of the elements Hemingway uses are ones such as symbols to show different meanings for concision, irony to talk about something complicated in a clear way, and he uses an objective 3rd person point-of-view to make the reader feel as if he or she is observing the event themselves. This story is a great way to show how one can tell a story in a simple and economical way to reveal somethin g very complex. Hemingway uses a lot of symbols thought his story. He does this to illustrate two different meanings without having to explain every single detail. He achieves his position of being the spectator by using symbols to represent things beyond the surface. The first instance Hemingway uses a symbol is when girl talks about the white elephant (275). The white elephant represents something that no one wants to talk about, in this case, is baby that the girl is pregnant with. The author may notShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of Hills Like White Elephants 1517 Words   |  7 PagesPaul 5 December 2015 Female Disempowerment in â€Å"Hills Like White Elephants† In the story â€Å"Hills Like White Elephants,† Ernest Hemingway uses his in-depth ability of foreshadowing to provide the reader with little information on the stories background or future events to come. At first glance, the discussion that takes place in story seems like a minor argument between a couple at a train station in Spain. However, upon deeper analysis, this piece takes a stab at one of the touchiestRead MoreAnalysis Of Hills Like White Elephants 1911 Words   |  8 PagesC2C Eric J Holm 10 Dec 2015 Dr. Van Nort Final Essay: â€Å"Hills Like White Elephants† Jig’s Abortion through the Historical and Textual Lens â€Å"I know you wouldn’t mind it, Jig. It’s really not anything. It’s just to let the air in† (Hemingway 213). In Ernest Hemingway’s â€Å"Hills Like White Elephants,† an abortion is debated through subtleties, similes, and symbols. The abortion is never explicitly mentioned, but instead Hemingway leaves the reader to conclude what this â€Å"simple operation† really is (213)Read MoreHills Like White Elephants Analysis1803 Words   |  8 PagesSubject The text â€Å"Letting the air into a relationship: Metaphorical Abortion in ‘Hills Like White Elephants† by Wyche David aims at analyzing and synthesizing the short story by Hemingway â€Å"Hills like White†. The analysis would provide new knowledge to readers of the short story or provide the readers with a new point of view of analyzing it. The subject of the text is to present his ideas on the short story and well as critique other critics who had previously critiqued it. The story illustratesRead More Analysis of Hills Like White Elephants Essay1049 Words   |  5 PagesAnalysis of Hills Like White Elephants â€Å"Hills Like White Elephants†, by Ernest Hemingway, is a short story published in 1927 that takes place in a train station in Spain with a man and a woman discussing an operation. Most of the story is simply dialogue between the two characters, the American and Jig. This couple is at a critical point in their lives when they must decide whether or not to have an abortion. Certain themes arise from this story such as choices and consequences, doubtRead MoreStory Analysis of Hills Like White Elephants723 Words   |  3 PagesHills Like White Elephants Erich Auerbach wrote Mimesis in 1953 and used his theories about foreground and background to help in his analysis and understanding of the story of Odysseus. His analysis is appropriate for this one story but can also be applied to other stories wherein the truth of the tale is not expressed directly (Auerbach 3). Authors can instill additional meaning through the text by the tone that is set and the way dialogue is written. Background and foreground in this contextRead MoreCritical Analysis of Hills Like White Elephants923 Words   |  4 PagesMikhail Shimonov Professor Kaufman March 28, 2011 Critical Analysis of Hills like White Elephants At first glance, Hills like White Elephants by Ernest Hemingway, may allude to many interpretations, however, the short story has a clear purpose. Set in the Ebro River valley in Spain, the story looms around the issue brought forth by Jig and the American, who is nameless throughout the whole story. The issue here being the ‘simple operation’ that Jig is about to undergo which happens to be anRead MoreFormalistic Analysis of Hills Like White Elephants825 Words   |  4 PagesIn an analysis of the story â€Å"Hills like white elephants† by Ernest Hemmingway, one is forced to take a deep look at the hidden meanings embedded in the story. Considering the point of view, the significance of the location and its relevance to the story, the structure of the text, the symbolic meaning of the two landscapes and the title of the story, the entrails of the story are exposed. Hemmingway’s story is written in an objective or dramatic point of view. The story is told primarily throughRead MoreHills Like White Elephants : A Critical Analysis1708 Words   |  7 Pagesâ€Å"Hills Like White Elephants†: A Critical Analysis Introduction: One of the many themes in his stories for which Ernest Heming way is known, includes feminism. At Hemingway’s time feminism was known as a famous movement and it affected many important writers like Octavia Butler and Virginia Woolf. Hemingway was a literary icon of his time and he was influenced by the political, social and human rights movements of his time. He was also touched by the hopelessness of women and how their thinkingRead MoreHills Like White Elephants Analysis773 Words   |  4 Pagesthem. â€Å"Hills like White Elephants,† a novel by Ernest Hemingway demonstrates this everyday struggle perfectly. â€Å"Hills like White Elephants,† is a short story about a conversation between an American man and a woman as they wait at a train for a train to Madrid. The couple obligingly discuss whats implied to be an abortion that the man wants the girl to have however her decision on whether to go through with it could heavily impact the future of their relatio nship. In â€Å"Hills like White Elephants,† ErnestRead MoreAnalysis Of Hills Like White Elephants1435 Words   |  6 PagesMany who have read â€Å"Hills like White Elephants† can agree that it is a hard story to comprehend. The meaning is hidden and has to be deciphered. When I found out the meaning I was blown away. I had no clue the story was about abortion. There are many views on whether the girl wants to go through with it or if the â€Å"American man† is forcing her. There are many facts that point to the conclusion that the man is forcing the girl to commit abortion. The language, tone and the setting all point to this

Saturday, December 21, 2019

The Threat Of Global Warming - 3159 Words

For decades, scientists have been warning world governments about the threat that global warming poses to life on Earth. The scientists have raised the alarm numerous times, even as the effects become noticeable today. But why then, as the effects of global warming are becoming more obvious as time passes, have countries like the US, Australia, and Canada done nothing to address the problem? As Kiribati, the Solomon Islands, Fiji, and other pacific island nations sink due to rising seas perpetuated by global warming, these countries have been accelerating the demise of these small island nations by not only refusing to address the problem of climate change, but by throwing gasoline at the fire as they embrace dirtier sources of fossil fuels. The answer to why there’s inaction on global warming lies on the internal situation of these nations, which have similar things in common, such as concern that taking action to mitigate global warming would have devastating effects on thei r respective country’s economies, but most importantly, because of the lack of interest by the public to deal with the problem, which is only being worsened by a disinformation campaign being led by fossil fuels companies. When NASA climatologist James Hansen raised the alarm about greenhouse warming in his famous senate testimony in 1988, there was optimism among environmentalists that policymakers would address the problem. It is important to note that it was only one year before Dr. Hansen’sShow MoreRelatedThe Threat Of Global Warming976 Words   |  4 Pagescentury more dramatically than any other, and that is the urgent threat of a changing climate â€Å" ( Barack Obama ). Global warming is the increase of earth’s average surface temperature. The threat has presently widespread over a 50 year timeline. The human race has birthed a disastrous world that is deteriorating every second of the day. It is becoming almost too hard to come back from this catas trophe. Global Warming is a threat that we sometimes call â€Å" the greenhouse effect. â€Å" The greenhouseRead MoreThe Threat Of Global Warming1447 Words   |  6 PagesGlobal warming is a terrifying thing to think about. People try to ignore it because they are afraid of what it will cause. They don’t want to accept what scientists are saying, â€Å"Humans are to blame†. I, being a future scientist, also believe that humanity is the cause of global warming. This believe of mine stemmed from a class I took in middle school that put us, students, in the shoes of United Nations members. We had to take sides on issues such as deforestation and the usage of fossil fuelsRead MoreGlobal Warming Is A Threat Essay1533 Words   |  7 PagesGlobal warming has been a controversial issue since the first publication of global warming, â€Å"Worlds in the Making,† by Svante Arrhenius in 1896. This topic is discussed in multiple areas of life, including politics, at the din ner table, and among scientists in a laboratory. The various viewpoints of individuals usually lead to a heated discussion on global warming, and sometimes ignites an intense argument. Through research and discussions with various people, I have come to the belief that globalRead MoreThe Threat Of Global Warming1487 Words   |  6 PagesEver since the twenty-first century, the injury and menace posed by global climate change to human being has long been acknowledged by public. In the face of global warming, a series of resulting problems inflict a serious threat on the nature environment, which is the material base of the human being depending on. Therefore, climate change is no longer just a discipline problem but also has gradually become a major social problem, which has draw a common concern for us humans. During this, the resultingRead MoreThe Threat Of Global Warming1816 Words   |  8 PagesHumanity’s Biggest Threat Recently, the issue about climate change has been on and off the news headlines. The debate whether if global warming is real or hoax is gradually getting more attention to the public. Global warming is defined as phenomenon that causes global average temperature to rise in a steady rate.While many people speculate that global warming is a temporary issue that won’t be a serious issue after a while, scientific data point out that it could be a big threat to the world andRead MoreThe Threat Of Global Warming988 Words   |  4 Pagescatastrophic global warming have been found, after nearly two decades of temperature stasis, to be in error,† writes Maurice Newman, chief business advisor to Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott (Dunn). With this bold declaration, Australia thrust itself onto the international stage where it was widely criticized and condemned by the United Nations and environmental supporters worldwide. Already behind the world in climate change legislati on, Australia quickly became the face of global warming denialRead MoreThe Threat Of Global Warming1129 Words   |  5 PagesHuman activities have been identified as the most significant cause of recent climate change; it is often referred to ‘Global Warming’. The main cause of global warming is emission of greenhouse gases .The main source of energy today - coal, gases and oil produce greenhouse gases, in particular carbon dioxide. Nuclear energy can reduce the dependence on fossil fuels. It is used to generate electric power but unlike fossil fuels it does not emit greenhouse gases. Therefore, the best possible solutionRead MoreEssay on The Threat of Global Warming1667 Words   |  7 PagesThe Threat of Global Warming Through the eyes of most scientists, global warming is seen as a very serious and severe threat. The actions taken by humans, such as industry and consumption of fossil fuels plus the increase in population and agriculture have played a big part in global warming. If something is not done soon the results could be very bad.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  By the middle of the twenty first century, there is evidence that the Earth will be warmer than it has been at any time in human historyRead MoreThe Threat Of Global Warming1779 Words   |  8 Pagespaying the consequences from past generation’s inability to make the right but hard choices, in order to protect and preserve our environment. The NRDC website lists the top global warming symptoms as melting glaciers, rising sea levels, severe weather patterns, the human health, and wildlife. (Consequences of Global Warming). Drilling in ANWR would cause horrifying situations for the wildlife ecosystem and inescapable affects on life in America and around the world, as we know it. In the NationalRead MoreThe Threat Of Global Warming1023 Words   |  5 Pagescatastrophic global warming have been found, after nearly two decades of temperature stasis, to be in error,† writes Maurice Newman, chief business advisor to Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott ( Dunn). With this bold declaration, Australia thrust itself onto the international stage where it was widely criticized and condemned by the United Nations and environmental supporters worldwide. Already behind the world in climate change legislation, Australia quickly became the face of global warming denial

Friday, December 13, 2019

Argumentative Paragraph Free Essays

My favorite scene is when, Farhan is about to leave the country then he receives a call telling that the caller know where Rancho is. Farhan immediately run out of the airport and he calls Raju who is on his bed. They went in there College Campus where the caller was there. We will write a custom essay sample on Argumentative Paragraph or any similar topic only for you Order Now In the top of the building they met their college friend and remember their commitment. And they find nothing in there. Friends, Family or Future: which should come first? Family should come first. Real Story Viruddh†¦ Family Comes First Viruddh is one among relatively few Hindi films that is not a musical, instead thesoundtrack is primarily used as background. The movie begins with Amar telling the story of his family and himself. Amar is the son of Vidyadhar and Sumitra Patwardhan, a middle class couple in India. Amar lives and works in London and he sends some of his salary to them. One day Amar returns home with Jenny Mayer, his girlfriend, and announces his intention to get married to her. Initially reluctant, his parents are pleased and happy for the two. One day, Amar goes out celebrating with his friends, whilst his parents and Jenny organise a surprise party for him. Outside a pub, Amar witnesses a murder and, while trying to apprehend the killer, he gets mortally wounded in the fight. Amar succumbs in the hospital. The assailant is identified as Harshwardhan Kadam, son of a minister Kadam. Soon, the police start covering the case up. Amar is implicated in false charges of drug peddling. Witnesses and close friends of Amar too give false statements. The torture doesn’t end there, as police try to implicate Jenny as his accompolice. Vidyadhar decides that it is not good for Jenny to live there, especially since she is expecting Amar’s child. Vidyadhar bails her out and implores her to return before she is locked up for good. Harshwardhan goes scot free meanwhile and Vidyadhar decides to seek justice on his own. Ali Asgar, a mechanic and an acquaintance of Patwardhan’s, decides to help them. Soon, Ali succeeds in procuring a gun for Vidyadhar. Vidyadhar decides to confront Harshwardhan in his own office. Harshwardhan cockily lets him enter in and starts taunting him. Vidyadhar accuses him and Harshwardhan arrongantly confesses his crimes, telling Vidyadhar that he cannot prove a thing. Vidyadhar points the gun at him, upon which Harshwardhan calls his guards. Vidyadhar guns down Harshwardhan and the guards enter in moments later Harshwardhan’s dead body collapses down. Harshwardhan’s head guard lets Vidyadhar go, claiming that he won’t be able to look at his family in the eye if he arrests Vidyadhar. A case stands up against Vidyadhar, where he reveals a pocket tape recorder on which the whole confession of Harshwardhan is recorded. Based on the proof, Amar is exonerated of all false charges levelled up against him. Vidyadhar is also set free. In an interview, Vidyadhar makes it clear that he doesn’t intend to sue Kadam since his son has been killed and Vidyadhar knows the pain. In the end, it is shown that Vidyadhar is living a happy life with Sumitra, Jenny, and his grandchild. Amar now explains that his father has always been a hero for him since childhood and he is feeling a little jealous of his daughter who is being treated with same affection with which Vidyadhar treated Amar in his childhood. The movie ends with Amar disappearing in light claiming now he can rest in peace. From: The Hospitalist, June 2009 Pediatric HM should embrace development of â€Å"collaborative† care by Mark Shen, MD I recently returned from a seminar where I sang â€Å"Kumbaya† (OK, maybe I hummed) and performed a skit in front of the 250 other participants. Having once been edited out of my own end-of-residency movie, you might think this was Acting 101 for the next Shen’s Anatomy. Rather, this was â€Å"Hospitals and Communities Moving Forward with Patient and Family-Centered Care. † Replete with experiential lessons in positive change, it transformed my vision of the future for patients, families, and our field. Patient- and family-centered care (PFCC) is a movement rooted in the values at the core of our profession. As soon as the hunter-gatherers formed communities, a village healer emerged. Parents could turn to the healer for help when a child developed bronchiolitis. With similar amounts of hand-waving, these healers produced outcomes similar to current bronchiolitis care. But what once was a simple relationship has become fractured through relentless de-evolutionary forces. Progressive specialization has exponentially ncreased the number of healers. The rapid, paternalistic injection of science and technology overwhelms even the most capable of Homo sapiens. The final product can be as cold and sterile as a modern-day operating room. Amidst the labyrinthine tangle of providers, information, and facilities, there is a warm underglow of hope. Unless you’ve been hiding under the concrete foundation of the old part of your hospital, you’ve heard about family-centered rounds (FCR). It’s the new black, or the new steroids, of pediatric HM. And it carries with it the potential to be the bellwether of change. A simplistic view entails moving teaching rounds from the conference room to the bedside. Throw in a multidisciplinary component and you have a theoretical therapeutic milieu from which all manner of positive education and patient outcomes might be measured. But one must ask the question: Can create patient- and family-centeredness The Importance of Family. Families are much more than groups of individuals. They have their own goals and aspirations. They also are places where every child and adult should feel that he or she is special and be encouraged to pursue his or her own dreams; a place where everyone’s individuality is permitted to flourish. Although every family has conflicts, all the family members should feel as though they can express themselves openly, share their feelings, and have their opinions listened to with understanding. In fact, conflicts and disagreements are a normal part of family life and are important insofar as they permit people to communicate their differences and ventilate their feelings. The family instructs children and gives guidance about personal values and social behavior. It instills discipline and helps them learn and internalize codes of conduct that will serve them for the rest of their lives. It helps them develop positive interpersonal relationships, and it provides an environment that encourages learning both in the home and at school. It gives children a sense of history and a secure base from which to grow and develop. Yet, as important as these functions are, they do not happen automatically. Every parent knows it takes hard work to keep the family going as an effective, adaptive, and functional unit. Divine law is any law that, according to religious belief, comes directly from the will of God, in contrast to man-made law. Like natural law (which may be seen as a manifestation of divine law) it is independent of the will of man, who cannot change it. However it may be revealed or not, so it may change in human perception in time through new revelation. Divine law is eternal law, meaning that since God is infinite, then his law must also be infinite and eternal. In Thomas Aquinas’s Treatise on Law, divine law, as opposed to natural law, comes only from revelation or scripture, hence biblical law, and is necessary for human salvation. According to Aquinas, divine law must not be confused with natural law. Divine law is mainly and mostly natural law, but it can also be positive law. Conclusion Family should value first. It is a precious thing that a man can have. All the things you have are no match for a family, because with family all your tears, heartaches, problems, burdens will disappear with so much in love with your family. You know what, I dreamed once that my family will be happy at the time were nothing. I always say to myself that my family is the one will love me for a million years. What is the essence of having a beautiful house, a million money, a beautiful life without your family?. Think of it. As I grow older, I can imagine my world without my family. They are the one will fade your tears, they are the one will understand you, and they are the only one will love you. Yes, time come you will having your own family, and with that you can say that your already complete with the love of your family. I always observe in television and also in real life that they have the things they wanted. But aren’t happy enough because they know that they are not complete without a child. Their some people with a peaceful life, a not so beautiful house, nothing to eat but see they are happy because they loving each other. That’s what family is, a perfect family. Friends and Future are always their waiting for us. These two can gone, can steal, can be nothing, but with family it can never be replace, steal and can be yours because its mine. How to cite Argumentative Paragraph, Essays

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Organizational Change Management on Woolworths †Free Sample

Question: Discuss about the Organizational Change Management on Woolworths. Answer: Introduction Change management is an approach which directs the transitions in the organization. A change in management affects overall productivity in the organization. These are the tools which describe significant overall restructuring of the company. Organizational change Management helps in implementing the changes. Its principles include all the tools which focus on individual restructuring (McCalman, Paton, and Siebert, 2015). Change management focuses on how an organization is affected by the majority of decisions. It deals with various aspects from behavioral and social science to information technology. The Organizational environment helps in removing irrelevant issues in good faith (Goolsby and Reeds, 2016). Changes are essential for the growth of an organization. In order to survive in a long run, it is essential to bring a change in strategies. Woolworths provides the best experience to its customers through its loyalty programs and other priorities services. Needs It is believed that the successful management is the key to the success of any organization. In this high competitive business environment, a good management structure helps in existence. Change management is an important tool towards making better changes (Todmen, 2007). Woolworths has faced a recent structural change. A major section of its senior employees left the organization loosing trust in its operations. Woolworths is facing a major change in its subsidiary companies. Some of its subsidiaries are struggling hard to survive in the market. The majority of the problems are occurring in the SAP structure. The company is failing to deliver its customers their requirements; a loss of faith in management has caused a significant change in employees structure. An overambitious goal by management compels employees to quit the organization. Continuous loses has caused downfall in morale. Woolworths recently has faced a mass departure of its senior executives. More focus is shifted ove r revival of sick units by cost cutting. It has recently announced a cut down in 400 executive jobs. It has lost a majority of its senior support due to implementation of reorganization plan. It is putting its entire savings in reviving the sales. Due to its current situation, Woolworths is losing customer relationship, marketing, and loyalty (Mitchell, 2016). Reason for change in management: Increasing market pressure has forced companies to change its management structure. When an organization faces excessive pressure from its competitors, it tends to breakdown. In recent times Woolworths is facing too much market pressure from its competitors like Cole, Mark Spenser etc. The retail sector in Australia has employed a maximum number of people. Woolworths is facing a drastic change in its share price. The price of the share is decreasing which has caused a huge loss. In order to revive its operations, Woolworths is implementing its savings in other areas. The cost cutting measures are utilized to bring back trust in customers (Hyam and Ong, 2016). The majority of its stores are closed due to high loss. Some of its units are closed due to lack of income. The Company is unable to manage its operations into various segments. It has caused a serious loss to the retail industry. Even Cole faced the same situation 10 years ago. Woolworth is failing to satisfy the customer expectations. All of them are losing faith in the brand. They are switching to other brands to assure their needs. The purpose of an organization is to fulfill its customer needs. Woolworths is failing on that parameter has caused a decline in profits. Another factor is due to attack from its rival companies. Woolworths is known for providing cheap goods to its customers. In recent years it is failing on its motive. Where other brands like David Jones, Waitrose, Mark Spenser are supplying to its customers goods at a cheap rate. Aldi from Germany and Costco from the US are providing ultra cheap brands to the customers (Treadgold, 2015). Need and opportunity are the techniques which are enforced seeing various aspects. A change is essential for an organization to survive. The changes need to be reinforced to get the maximum results (Rhodie, 2000). Employees are an important asset for an organization. An organization needs to focus its mission statement for achieving various objectives. It is essential to bring in the notice the reasons for incorporating change. The organization needs to provide its employees with the power to bring the change. A company needs to create short term goals for the long term survival. One can only achieve if he/she are persistent with the goals. It is necessary to incorporate the change permanently in the mission of the organization (Cameron and Green, 2004). Woolworths need to adopt the policy which is persistent in nature. To achieve in a long run Woolworths has to bring back faith in the senior executive. The management is losing faith in the organization which is affecting the employees sustainability. It has recently announced a loss of $ 1.235 billion for the financial year 2016 on Thursday, 25. The loss has occurred due to failure in Master business and Big W business. They faced the biggest loss in last 20 years (Chung, 2016). The intervention and diagnostic approach focuses on bringing the required changes in the organization. Woolworths need a change in its internal and external policies. Recently it is going through a serious restructuring. There is a need to bring the changes to draw back the attention of the customers in recent time it has lost customer faith. The trends are visible in the annual report. There is an urgency to initiate an intervention method into the company. The two interventions are mentioned in the report are the human resource, and the technology. Woolworths needs to compete with others to sustain in the market (Treadgold, 2015). It is losing the majority of its customers to the brands like Aldi, Coles, Mark Spensers, etc. Sustainability is an important aspect while implementing the plan. The major challenge is to revive the stores which are causing regular loss to the company (Low, 2016). Interventions Interventions are those business strategies which aim at making a difference to an organization. Business interventions are done to bring a change. It helps in increasing the efficiency and capacity of the organization (Ryall and Bramson, 2013). First Intervention: Technology adds value to an organization. Technology brings people close to each other. In a competitive atmosphere, it has become an important instrument to succeed. Customers are mostly inclined to those organizations which are technology upgraded. In this era of e-commerce technology plays an important role in satisfying the objective. An organization which is technologically handicapped cant survive in a long run. The trend shows, a large number of sections are buying goods online. An organization which is providing easy and smooth flow of technology is the best organization. Name: EziBuy It is a subsidiary company of Woolworths who has its operation in Australia and New Zealand. It is providing a wide clothing range to its customers through online services. In the era of technology, EziBuy is giving their customers a great experience. They are providing goods at their doorstep. People prefer ordering goods online rather than physical purchases. Currently, the most viewed section of the online platform is women clothing. Their major priority is to satisfy the customer interest, when its losing a great market position (EziBuy, 2012). EziBuy is currently the largest fashion and home ware retailer in Australia and New Zealand. Their major sales are carried out through publishing catalogues. It processes more than 1.75 million orders annually (Meadows, 2013) Technological intervention Technology plays important role in enhancing the overall capacity. It is an added advantage in our day today life; technological intervention helps in improving the overall performance. In a phase of cut-throat competition, technological interference will add an edge. Customers prefer buying goods online. Most of the selling of EziBuy is online based. It has become important regarding customer satisfaction. When competing with other brands it has become important to focus on the technological strategies. In the case of EziBuy which is the largest customer brand in Australia and New Zealand. It is necessary to center on the online marketing strategies, by revamping the old tools. The technological intervention will help in providing an overall improvement in the sale. Diagnostic model and explanation: The four-frame model of Bolman and Dela (2003) helps in understanding the issues related to organizational diagnosis, development, and changes. Various researchers have viewed an organizational structure in 4 frames (Bolman and Deal, 2013). Structural (factories or machines) It focuses on the architecture of the organization. It includes goal, structure, technology, role and coordination of them. All the responsibility, division of work labor, rules, policies are related to the structural frame of the organization. Reorganization and redesigning help in the restructuring of the organization (Bolman and Deal, 2013). Political It sees an organization as the jungle. It focuses on power, competition and winning over scarce resources. Individual belief, behavior, interest defines the political frame of the organization. The main interest of this frame is to focus on the power and recognition. Effective management and leadership skills help in governing the individual interest (Bolman and Deal, 2013). Symbolic It treats an organization in a symbolic form. According to this theory, an organization is a theater. This frame focuses on meaning and faith. This builds a passionate and creative relationship in the organization. It focuses on creating a leader who can maintain faith, beauty and meaning (Bolman and Deal, 2013). Every frame defined in this structure is equal to the mental model. It helps in understanding and assembles information in a logical way. This helps in providing the true picture of the current situation. Human Resources It helps in understanding the people relationship with each other. Every individual has a different set of needs and requirements. This frame helps in understanding the organization in the perspective of the human resource frame. One can understand individual needs and train the individual to fulfill the organizational needs. The job is done by one who feels good about their job. The metaphor for the human resource frame is family (Bolman and Deal, 2013). EziBuy focuses on satisfying their customers by providing the best services. They are focused on building the good relationship with its customers. Human resource theory focuses on understanding the customers wants. The only interest of the organization is to satisfy the customers needs. This frame helps in understanding the need of understanding the valued customers. EziBuy focuses on establishing a long time relationship with its customers in Australia and New Zealand. They are more focused toward building a great environment. Customers will only buy if they are satisfied with the services of the products. Else there are various brands in the market which are satisfying the same purpose. EziBuy is known for providing a clothing range to the doorstep. The sale is only due to hardcore customer satisfaction. Customers will only buy, if they are satisfied with the online facility. In the era of globalization, the whole market has become a small place. More people are inclining towards the online purchases. With the entrance of the new competitive brand, it has become difficult to compete. Hence EziBuy needs to focus on the policies of customer satisfaction by providing the goods at the doorstep. Review: Woolworths is focused in providing overall best experience to the customers. It can only provide its services in a better way if it focuses its effort on improving the overall market experience. Woolworths needs to implement the policies carefully due to the recent changes. Four frame models of Bolman and Dela helps in understanding the situation; the company is going through. The main aim of an organization is to satisfy the needs of the customers. The global competition has made it difficult to survive. EziBuy needs to focus its strategies carefully at one place .It needs to focus on emphasize the necessity of relationships with customers. Every individual have needs feelings, skills, and opportunities. This frame is essential to be focused. The main purpose of a job is to serve the basic need of its customers. A person can only perform well if it has a certain motive. EziBuy needs to focus its strategies on the customer. Developing human relation will help it to make profi t. Global competition makes it difficult to survive. Taking care of customer convenience is an essential tool to survive. Customer only wants to buy if they find the services interesting and easy (Defoe, 2013). Second intervention: Woolworths rewards: It is the most attractive reward system by the organization to hold its customers. Woolworths reward points focuses on attracting more customers. This scheme has generated a team of loyal customer force. This scheme is giving discounts to the loyal customers who are with Woolworths since a very long time. Woolworths is launching various programs like the orange bill to enhance the sale. These are the catchy scheme launched by the organization to hold its customers. Woolworths strategy is to reward each of its customers who are spending dollars to purchase. They have introduced multiple redemption schemes which are: money off shopping, Qantas points and saving for Christmas. Woolworths is also providing fuel rewards and exclusive member deal to make their customers happy. These strategies are very helpful in holding the customers. Customers buy those goods where they get huge discounts. Reward point is a good strategy to pay back to the loyal customers. This helps in generating a good customer tally (Rewards, 2016). Intervention type: Human resource intervention: It deals with the issues with the social processes happening among organization member; these are the occurring due to change in the organizational structure. It is necessary to understand the overall dynamics of the organization. Human resource intervention is a necessary step towards combining the overall efforts of the organization. It looks forward to its interest. Rewards points are an initiative for accelerating the sales. Customers service is an important aspect of the human resource intervention. The more focus is towards the overall growth (Zhao and Liu 2010). Diagnosis: A 7s model is a tool developed by McKinsey helps an organization to evaluate and improve performance. The 7s model (waterman, peters Philips 1980) is used to enhance the overall performance in a simpler manner (Abbott and Booth, 2014). The various elements of the 7s model are as follows: Structure: it tells how the organizations units are interrelated. It provides the data in a sequential format. It is the central force in an organization. System: it defines how the work should be done. There are certain standards which govern the operations in an organization. Staff: the employees are inter-related to the performance of the organization. An organization can only perform well if it has employees. Style: leadership style affects the overall performance of an organization. The kind of style practiced is an important attribute. Skills: an organization can only grow if it has skilled employees. It is due to their efforts organization makes remarkable changes. Shared valued: An organization based on fair values grow on long run .Mission and vision statement of an organization define its goal (Abbott and Booth, 2014) (Anderson and Anderson, 2010). Woolworths need to match resources to the opportunity available in the market. Reward point is a strategy to create an advantage over its other competitors. Reward point has made an important initiative to fight against the current competitors. Customer loyalty is an important aspect in this competitive global atmosphere. It is necessary to understand the customer basic motive. Woolworths need to make their strategy more customers focused to hold its old loyal customer. To attract more customers it is necessary to focus on its customers loyalty advantages. Review: An organization needs to focus on building a strong internal alignment .All the resources of the organization should focus on creating competitive advantages. Survival is only possible if the company understands how to compete with the other competitor. Woolworths need to match its resources with the opportunities. It needs to accelerate its resources to establish good customer relationships. Time to the time change in the internal policy is an important measure to bring the change. Woolworths current market position is very poor. It is losing its best customer to the other competitive brands. In this scenario, it is necessary to incorporate a good reward strategy to attract more customers and to keep the old one. The major change in the senior executive and a drop down in the previous years profit has made an incredible difference to the organization. It is facing a huge internal change. A majority of stores are closed because they are not performing well. It needs to focus on saving techniques rather than investing on other places. It should focus on its core strengths for survival. Woolworths reward point can prove to be a major strategy to incorporate majority of changes. In this global scenario of excessive competition, the organization needs to focus on the resources. In the case of Woolworths which is facing a significant change, it is necessary to focus all its resources in a fruitful place. It is essential for an organization to adapt the environmental changes. In the absence of appropriate changes a firm may lose an important segment. Firms are affected by the general change in the market. It changes almost every aspect of the business. It is due to change in customers taste, reformative policies. Recommendation Firstly Woolworths need to implement a structured model in its daily working. Instead of spending their income in other sectors it should focus its savings in rejuvenating the sick unit. It should shut down all those units which are incurring losses. It should shut down all those units which are not making profits. Secondly, it needs to build customer-centric policies. Their major focus should be on the existing customers. There are certain brands which are providing goods at a very cheap rate. Woolworths need to change its pricing policies. They need to keep very competitive price so that they could compete with the other brands. Thirdly, major focus need to be given on the online services. Major sections of the society are buying goods online. Woolworths need to focus on its online sales. This will help in adding the new customers to the organization. Fourthly, Woolworths has to focus on creating a competitive advantage over other brands. It needs to focus all its resources carefully in building a well known customer brand. It needs to focus on each of its subsidiary to make huge profits. Woolworths has to focus on building long term relationship with its partners. A structured plan needs to be implemented to procure profits. Conclusion The report focuses on the change in management which is caused due to the recent events in Woolworths. It suggests various strategies and intervention technique through which the sick unit can be revived. The two intervention techniques introduced were technological and human resource intervention. These techniques are an important instrument to revive the sick units. Woolworths is facing a significant change in the market. It has recently faced huge losses. The report also includes various diagnosis models to focus on revival and restructuring. Woolworths has to focus on its core competency to survive on a long run. It needs to focus all its carefully to perform well. References Abbott,H. and Booth,H. (2014)Foundations for Operating Department Practice: Essential Theory for Practice.UK: McGraw-Hill Education Anderson,D. and Anderson,L. (2010)Beyond Change Management: How to Achieve Breakthrough Results Through Conscious Change Leadership. USA: John Wiley Sons Bolman,L. and. Deal,T. (2013)Reframing Organizations: Artistry, Choice, and Leadership. USA:John Wiley Sons Cameron,E. and Green,M.(2004) Making Sense of Change Management: A Complete Guide to the Models, Tools Techniques of Organizational Change. UK :Kogan Page Publishers Chung, F.(2016). Woolworths unveils $1.235 billion loss. 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Thursday, November 28, 2019

Alternate Dispute Resolution at Darden Restaurants and Hooters of America Essays

Alternate Dispute Resolution at Darden Restaurants and Hooters of America Essays Alternate Dispute Resolution at Darden Restaurants and Hooters of America Paper Alternate Dispute Resolution at Darden Restaurants and Hooters of America Paper ADR at Darden Restaurants and Hooters of America More companies are turning to alternate dispute resolution (ADR) as an alterative to the judicial system for settling employee disputes. There are some clear advantages and disadvantages to ADR for both employers and employees. The best-designed ADR programs are those that are fair and impartial. A good ADR program should seek to find the best possible outcome for both parties while saving time and money and preserving relationships. The least effective ADR programs tend to be unfair and perpetuate the imbalance and bargaining power discrepancy frequently found in employer-employee relationships. In this paper, I will compare the ADR programs of Darden Restaurants and Hooters of America. My basis for comparison will be measured primarily on how well they address the advantages of ADR equally for the employer and the employee. It should be noted that Darden’s is considered to be a model program due to its comprehensiveness and fairness. By contrast – perhaps unsurprisingly – it is disappointing to see that Hooters has constructed an ADR program that offers little justice to its employees. Advantages of using ADR ADR can save vast amounts of time and money. While lawsuits can take years and thousands of dollars to settle, through ADR, conflicts can often be resolved in a matter of weeks or months at a greatly reduced cost. There are potential savings in court costs, attorney fees, and expert witness fees when a dispute is settled through mediation, arbitration, or a combination of both. Potential disadvantages of ADR are the wasted time and increased cost that are incurred when a dispute goes through ADR but still ends up in court. At Darden, there are four ways to resolve workplace disputes – Open Door Policy, Peer Review, Mediation, and Arbitration. Each is designed to encourage settlement without litigation and each is promoted as an effective alternative to litigation that is fair to all parties. The first step toward resolving disputes at Darden is use of the open door policy. If the employee is not satisfied with the first three steps of the ADR program mentioned above, the matter can move on to the final step: arbitration. The court has determined that the Darden program appears to meet the legal tests for ADR. It is important to note that Darden does not expect to reduce expenses via reduction in the payout of damages and compensation to employees with legitimate claims; rather, their expected cost savings lies in reducing court-related fees. In stark contrast, Hooters’ ADR program is a one-sided agenda designed to help the company win arbitration cases and save time and money. The ADR program takes advantage of the company’s superior bargaining power: employees must sign the agreement to arbitrate disputes in order to be eligible for raises, transfers, and promotions. Employees are allowed only five days to review and decide if they will accept or reject the agreement. Hooters’ ADR agreement states that the company has the right to change the rules and procedures at any time – even while in the midst of an arbitration proceeding – without notice. In addition, the rules require employees to disclose their cases to the company, along with a list of witnesses and a record of facts known to each witness. Hooters, meanwhile, is not required to reciprocate by disclosing the details of its defense. The United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit summed it up by stating that the Hooters rules are â€Å"so one-sided that their only purpose is to undermine the neutrality of the (arbitration) proceeding. † The basis for a workable ADR program is that it should guarantee neutrality; a neutral party is hired or retained to hear and decide on cases. At Darden, the choice of a neutral party is governed by outside rules preventing abuse in the selection of a biased arbitrator or mediator. The neutrals at the proceedings are experts belonging to the American Arbitration Association (AAA). AAA is a public-service, non-profit organization serving businesses and government. Meanwhile, Hooters’ mechanism for selecting a panel of three arbitrators is crafted to ensure a biased decision maker. The employee and the company each select an arbitrator. These two arbitrators in turn select the third arbitrator. The biggest problem with this process is that all of the arbitrators must be selected from a list created exclusively by the company. Hooters can nominate its managers or select arbitrators who have a financial interest in the company to be placed on the list. Anyone deemed as being against the company can be taken off the list. ADR is a legitimate and potentially highly beneficial alternative to litigation, and its use can save employers and employees both time and money. ADR can decrease the adversarial dynamic between parties and offer greater flexibility in settlements. Further, it provides the potential to preserve business relationships. Darden Restaurants has a good ADR program that addresses these issues.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Free Essays on Mary Jo Hatch

Taking Organizational Theory to a New Level: Through Aesthetics and Emotional Expression Dr. Mary Jo Hatch is a Professor of Organization Theory. She teaches at the McIntire School of Commerce at the University of Virginia. Dr. Hatch started her educational plight by acquiring a Bachelor of the Arts in English Literature from the University of Indiana. She also studied architecture during her undergraduate years. Her interest in aesthetics go back a long way. It was later in her life that her interest turned toward a career in business, so she decided to acquire her MBA in Finance from the same University. When pursing her Doctorate in Organizational Behavior, she tackled the ever so popular Institution of Stanford University ( At this point she began combining her interest in art with business when she wrote her dissertation on â€Å"The effects of Physical Space on the Way People Spend Their Time At Work† (acorn.lld) Her research interests include organizational culture, organizational identity, image and the corporate brand; and lite rary and other aesthetic approaches to management and organizing with particular interests in Jazz and theater as metaphors for organizing ( She has published articles on these and other topics in Administrative Science Quarterly, Academy of Management Review, Human Relations, Organizational Science, Organizational Studies, Journal of Management Inquiry, Studies in Cultures, Organizations and Societies, Human Relations, and European Journal of Marketing. She was the European editor for Journal of Management Inquiry from 1995-2000 and sits on the editorial boards of Corporate Reputation Review; Human Relations; International Journal of Cross-Cultural Management. She has written a textbook Organization Theory: Modern, Symbolic and Postmodern Perspectives ( Dr. Hatch also co- edited The Expressive Organization: Linking Ide... Free Essays on Mary Jo Hatch Free Essays on Mary Jo Hatch Taking Organizational Theory to a New Level: Through Aesthetics and Emotional Expression Dr. Mary Jo Hatch is a Professor of Organization Theory. She teaches at the McIntire School of Commerce at the University of Virginia. Dr. Hatch started her educational plight by acquiring a Bachelor of the Arts in English Literature from the University of Indiana. She also studied architecture during her undergraduate years. Her interest in aesthetics go back a long way. It was later in her life that her interest turned toward a career in business, so she decided to acquire her MBA in Finance from the same University. When pursing her Doctorate in Organizational Behavior, she tackled the ever so popular Institution of Stanford University ( At this point she began combining her interest in art with business when she wrote her dissertation on â€Å"The effects of Physical Space on the Way People Spend Their Time At Work† (acorn.lld) Her research interests include organizational culture, organizational identity, image and the corporate brand; and lite rary and other aesthetic approaches to management and organizing with particular interests in Jazz and theater as metaphors for organizing ( She has published articles on these and other topics in Administrative Science Quarterly, Academy of Management Review, Human Relations, Organizational Science, Organizational Studies, Journal of Management Inquiry, Studies in Cultures, Organizations and Societies, Human Relations, and European Journal of Marketing. She was the European editor for Journal of Management Inquiry from 1995-2000 and sits on the editorial boards of Corporate Reputation Review; Human Relations; International Journal of Cross-Cultural Management. She has written a textbook Organization Theory: Modern, Symbolic and Postmodern Perspectives ( Dr. Hatch also co- edited The Expressive Organization: Linking Ide...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Conflict Resolution in an Organization Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Conflict Resolution in an Organization - Essay Example From this study it is clear that the main problem is that this group has somehow run out of control and other employees feel they are a nuisance. They severally were caught making fun of other employees, which has resulted in resigning of some employees. The former sales manager was a great friend of Cory and thus he did nothing even when employees complained to him about Cory’s group behavior. Cory is also a relative to one of the company’s directors and boasts that it is only his uncle who can approve his sacking. Being new in the company, Rogers sought the production manager’s opinion on the issue who told him it was wiser for him to leave the group alone since he was risking his job. However, Rogers feels that if not dealt with, this problem might cripple other workers performance. Last week he summoned Cory to his office with the aim of trying to advise him on the problems his group was causing the sales department. Cory responded rudely that members of his group were the most productive and Rogers was new in the company and knew nothing on the group. On telling the human resource manager, Rogers got another surprise when manager told him that he had no right to decide on how the company employees should behave. This paper outlines that an example of a badly resolved conflict involved Mary and Cory’s group. Mary, a former medical representative of the company lost her job when she demanded for an apology from the group. This was after Cory and his group made a call to one of Mary’s clients which the client was uncomfortable with and demanded an explanation from Mary. When Mary found out about it, she demanded an explanation from Cory. Cory denied the claims even though the call traced back to him. From that day on, Cory’s group members started making fun of anything that Mary did.Â