Sunday, May 17, 2020

Essay on Social Conflict Theories and Functionalism

Social Conflict Theories and Functionalism There are three main theories of sociology; functionalism, conflict theory and symbolic interactionism. This paper will focus on two of those theories, functionalism and conflict theory. The objective is to delineate the assumptions of two out of the three theoretical perspectives and apply these assumptions to an analysis of social stratification. How this will be accomplished will be by comparing and contrasting their assumptions and by analyzing the two theories affect on social stratification. Then I will state my opinion on which of the two better fits my personal sociological views. Functionalism is many peoples way to view the world sociologically. It states clearly that the†¦show more content†¦Whichever groups have the power is a central concern of this theory. These Marxist statements are the central arguments of all conflict theorists statements of truth. The second part of the conflict theorists assumptions is that the different parts of the social system as a wh ole are intertwined, not because of a shared value system, however, but because of the fact that one group is inherently dominant over the other. This dominance happens because one group, the dominant group, controls the resources. The third part of the assumptions of the conflict theorist is that society does not necessarily have needs, but individuals and groups do. Because the dominant group has the access to wealth, power and prestige, they have the ability to have their needs defined as system needs. The fourth part of the conflict theorists assumptions is the basic question of Who benefits? from the social arrangements of the day. On any issue in society, there are people who benefit and people who dont benefit. This conflict always gives the advantage to the stronger party. The fifth part of the conflict theorists system of assumptions is the conflict itself, which lends tension, hostility, competitions, disagreement over goals, and values, as well as violence. Not always are these issues negative, however. They can act as an adhesive to help join groups together in the pursuit of a positive goal. The sixth and final part of theShow MoreRelated Analyzing Social Change Through Functionalism, Conflict Theory, and Punctuated Equilibrium 1373 Words   |  6 PagesEinstein(58 Quotes). Social change is an opportunity for positive growth in today’s world, however it may sometimes take a tragedy to get there. Many big events in history such as The French Revolution and the Civil Rights Movement have caused social change, but our world is stronger because of those events. It takes leadership and a desire for growth to make a positive change in today’s society. 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